Thursday, June 14, 2012

So, I haven't posted for a day or two because I've been dealing with some issues with my parents -- anyone have any experience with messy, court-embattled separations and possible undiagnosed mental illness?  No?  Well, I guess I'll just stick to food for today...

We've had a yummy green salad that I've mentioned before, tuna Nicoise, and last night I had potato salad on the menu and improvised it into what ended up being a non-leafy, potato-Nicoise thing.  The kids couldn't stop eating it!

It helped that I had some leftover fancy-shmancy fingerling potatoes including a few purple ones and that's what I used for the salad, so it had some color; I also went out to the garden to snip some green onions and dill for absolute taste and freshness.  Mmmm, mmmm.  Plus it had tuna, of course, and half a can of leftover wax beans, so I felt very virtuous using them rather than letting them languish in the fridge until they had to be thrown out.  Oh, and I had some homemade buttermilk Caesar dressing which sounded better than it tasted -- rather thin and flavorless for salad somehow -- but which I also threw into the potato salad for tang and was another junction of delightfulandvirtuous use of unwanted food.

Ha ha, in fact, there are just a few leftovers and it's almost lunch time -- I think I'm going to go snag them before anyone else does!

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