Sunday, August 22, 2010


Camping menus for a week:

Day 1
Breakfast at home
Pbj's, peaches, and yogurt
Mac n' cheese, hot dogs, canned corn

Day 2
Butterscotch oatmeal
Ham and cheese, watermelon
Foil dinners and baked apples

Day 3
Pancakes, applesauce
Pbj's, bananas, chocolate milk
Burritos, zucchini

Day 4
Oatmeal with dates and almonds
Tuna, string cheese, Craisins
Instant rice, baked beans, carrot sticks

Day 5
Cereal, canned fruit, hard-boiled eggs
Pbj's, apples, buy ice cream for a treat
Spaghetti, green beans

We'll be camping in Maryland this week for a last hurrah before school begins next week. I eagerly anticipate playing lots of games, reading, hiking, and swimming, all away from the phone and computer. I'm sure the kids will do lots of leaf- and twig-hunting, get very dirty, and talk in their sleep. It'll be great! I've saved my menus over the years and refined them so that everything will fit in the cold box, we'll eat the most perishable stuff first, and I can cook it on a single burner (or fire). It's a fun challenge for me.

We've still got a good garden going, with green beans and tomatoes belatedly beginning to come on, as well as unnumbered watermelon, cantaloupes, and butternut squash to look forward to. If I get a good glut of green beans and can freeze some, I'll have my own organic frozen mixed vegetables, what with the corn and carrots I've already processed.

We've eaten a lot of thrilling dinners in the last little while, but we were too hungry to wait and photograph. You'll just have to use your imagination. We WILL be sure to take pictures of the upcoming, long-awaited Second Annual Redwall Feast which will probably take place on Labor Day.

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